Urinary Tract Infection

"Hi! Not long ago I woke up at 2 AM with what promised to be a raging urinary tract infection. Every five minutes found me getting out of bad to visit the bathroom. Anyone who has ever had one of these infections knows that they are not fun. The symptom are frequency of urination, accompanied by a burning sensation. Finally, not intending to spend too restless a night, I gathered up my blanket and pillow and perched myself on the throne. In a few minutes, my husband Patrick came into the bathroom with the thyme and lavender oils and told me to rub them in my abdomen. Ten minutes later I was able to go back to bed and sleep the rest of the night. Now that's powerful! My husband suffers greatly with chronic pain which often prevents him from getting rest at night. Since purchasing the oils, he has been able to rest much better. One night in particular I remember him sitting up on the edge of the bed commenting that he would not be able to sleep because of the pain. After a trip to apply oils to his painful spots and lying back down, I head him snoring before I finally dropped off myself. We have just recently discovered applying Ylang Ylang to the spine before retiring. What a wonderful sleep!"

Karen C. Surprise, AZ