To Pet Owners

"I just want to share my experience with our dog. I use Lavender in the bath water. Before I started using it, he would try to jump out of the bath. Now he is very calm and I have seen fleas come out of the fur before I even rinse him down for shampooing. I also use the Lavender mixed in the shampoo to help protect him from fleas and soothe his scratching. I will also apply oil to his collar after his bath."

Roseanna L. Huntsville, AL

I have a puppy who is "hyper" to say the least. I had a terrible time keeping her in the tub while giving her a bath. Decided to add a couple drops of lavender to the bath water. Results: she stands there like a statue and even lets me dump rinse water directly on her head!
So the next time my granddaughter is here I'll put some in her bathwater too…she too hates having her head washed!!


I received a call around June 10th from Deborah.

"A woman who was working with my dog Lola gave me your name. You do work by phone as an animal communicator, right? I need to talk with you before making a decision. My vet wants to have my answer now." A few hours later we had our first appointment via phone.

"Please don't tell me anything, Deb. I see your dogs leg..." "Yes, that's the problem." "It's very serious. If it continues she could..." "Yes, I know, she has cancer of the leg. The vet wants to operate. And arthritis there too."

After suggesting possibilities, we decided on the following protocol: Start feeding her 10 year old Rottweiler organic meats and a high end natural food - such as River Ranch products, Wysong, Solid Gold, etc. Shipped immediately was Young Living - Essentialzyme â?" she put Bromelain enzymes in the food until the package arrived; Frankincense, Sandalwood, Peace & Calming, Panaway, Ortho Ease, JuvaCleanse.

For the wounded paw, Willard Water. The instructions were: Peace & Calming - 1 drop and pet top of her head with it - she will love it. Frankincense, then Sandalwood. Panaway - twice a day after Sandalwood and Frankincense is applied. Ortho Ease on top of them - topically directly over the site. JuvaCleanse begin with 3 drops in gel capsule, increase 1 drop every 3 days if tolerated well.

Two days later this email arrived.

Dear Nancy,
Thank you for your encouraging email. We put Lola on a raw diet immediately and I gave her a bromelain tablet since it was the digestive enzyme I had on hand. The next morning, when I walked her, she was running and jumping! The oils arrived yesterday afternoon. I started with the Peace and drop to the head. Within half a minute she was chasing chipmunks across the yard! This used to be a favorite game of hers that I hadn't seen in over a year. Then, I did the Panaway to the hips and leg and she immediately started to play with the 10 week old puppy we have. She has never played with him before. After about an hour, I did the Sandalwood treatment and she got very quiet and laid down on her side and began panting. This morning, she is pretty much in the same state, although she is alert. I just finished the Peace & Calming, Panaway, and now the Frankincense. She is laying down and quiet. My husband Bob and I are so very impressed with the immediate response to your healing treatment. Thank you so much. I do believe we are on the right track. Many blessings to you! We are very, very grateful.
Best Wishes, Deborah

The next day this email arrived:
I took Lola to the river swimming for the second day in a row. It's so good to see her playing and having fun again. She cooperates with the oils, and holds her leg stretched out for me so that I can get the oil on both sides on the cancerous knee. I know she appreciates the treatment.

Deborah also mentioned her vet wanted her to pick up Frontline. I explained why she would not want to do that.

Hi Nancy,
Glad I asked! Yes, please send me the Purification oil. Lola and the puppy have loose stools today. I'm thinking it is from the switch to raw foods. The web sites said that is not unusual. I started Lola with 5 drops of the liver cleanse oil in a capsule with dinner. I'm giving her 4 bromilian tablets a day, twice the adult dose. I hesitate to up that until she gets use to the new diet. Still doing the oils two times a day. I know you said I can go up to three, but I want to give her system a chance to get caught up with all the changes.
I took Lola to the river swimming for the second day in a row. It's so good to see her playing and having fun again. She cooperates with the oils, and holds her leg stretched out for me so that I can get the oil on both sides on the cancerous knee. I know she appreciates the treatment.
Thanks again for all your wonderful help.

Having a positive response we added Tsuga and Myrtle. Myrtle Oil. Two weeks later - June 26th this lovely email arrived.

Hi Nancy,
I just wanted to thank you again and update you on Lola. She has finished the 2 week liver cleanse, and is doing very well. She runs and jumps and swims and plays with the puppy. She doesn't act like a 10 year old dog at all, not to mention a 10 year old with severe arthritis and cancer!
The open sore on the top of her paw had not closed a bit in the two weeks back from the vet. (He removed a growth and Lola tore out the stitches.) After one spray of willard water, it closed half way. It is now completely healed over and the swelling is down.
Lola doesn't fart anymore on the new diet. It use to be something we just took for granted that Rottweilers do. Also, for two months before I took her to the vet she would not put her weight on the cancer leg. She always stood with her paw held up. Now she is putting her full weight on it, and the whole leg which use to look shrunken, is now filling out again.
I'm up to three drops on the cancer treatment and when I get back from the beach next week, if she is still doing well I'm going to increase to three times a day.
I surrendered Lola's healing to God from the start. I don't know if the cancer will disappear. Time will tell. But regardless, you have given her her life back. We are all so very grateful.
Many blessings!
Deb Nance

Nancy O. Weber's story of Lola, a Rottweiler in Middletown, NY