Chronic Foot Pain

"Back in December 1999, I had surgery on my left achilles tendon (my right one was operated on 2 years earlier). Somewhere along the "road to recovery" my doctor and I both feel that the tendon had somehow started to re-rupture. During this time I lost my medical coverage and have never had coverage since, so I cannot go get it checked out. My doctor also told me I am developing adult onset flat foot. The major problem I have been plagued with over the last several months is chronic pain in the arch of my left foot. I've got about 10- 15 minutes of good walking/standing time and I'm done for a long while.
Yesterday I went to the office early and was on my feet for a couple hours steam cleaning the carpets. After that I ran a few errands, ending at the copy place to photocopy a clients chart - I was standing there for over an hour.
Needless to say my foot was killing me. I had been on my feet for so long, I could barely walk. When John got to the office and saw how much pain I was in, he sat me down and started massaging my foot. Even his lightest massage touch (which is feather light) felt like a carving knife being dragged very slowly through the area.
He ran into the massage room and came back with Valor and PanAway. He rubbed a very small amount of valor on the area, then applied the PanAway.
Even knowing what I do about the oils, I was amazed at how fast the oils worked. In less than a minute John was able to apply so much pressure to the area his fingertips turned white and IT DIDN'T HURT!!
The more I "play" with these oils and try them for various things the more amazed I am with them.
THANK YOU GARY YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anna Witte