
"Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I am 32 years old. I was a Cosmetologist for II years (before I got sick). I have three children (ages eleven, nine & seventeen months). I have a wonderful husband (Ron) who is also 32 years old. He is a "Jack of all Trades", mainly Landscaper and Electrician. We live on a farm south of Moose Jaw, Sask., we raise rabbits. Essential Oils have changed my life... In 1993 I was diagnosed as having clinical chemical depression (I did not know about Essential Oils at the time), I spent two months in the hospital getting well.....I came home a fraction of the person I was before I got sick. I still suffered with PMS for most of the month and was tired all the time. When I found out about Essential Oils, I had no idea how it would change my I can stay awake longer and I do not suffer with PMS like I use to......the Lavender Oil is the oil I hold responsible for relieving me of the PMS symptoms! Now I face each day with hope for the future and know that everything will work out just fine! We use the Essential Oils in our Rabbitry and it takes the ammonia out of the barn in 5-10 minutes! The rabbits love it, as soon as they smell the oil their ears start twitching and they look relaxed. Ammonia causes stress in rabbits which leads to dis-ease, so with less stress there is less dis-ease! I just need to really let you know that you make a difference and you are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to be wonderfuI people! Sincerely,"

Leslie C. Moose Jaw, SK

"... Yes, there is another solution to medication. I am a walking testimonial of that, but still have more work to do with coming off the medication. This is my second attempt.
I am writing because I don't want anyone else to go thru the "hellish" nightmare that I've been going thru & have gone thru for the past three years trying to come off of medication. I was only on 1 mg. of Klonopin (no other meds.) in 2001 when I was coming off very slowly. I started to hallucinate & hear voices in my 6-7 mo. of coming off this medication. I was also doing a lot of inner work & releasing an "old" childhood trauma.
So, because of the hallucinatory state & the voices & not knowing about YL back then, I signed myself into the hospital - for 11 days they put me on several different drugs: Serzone, Ativan, Effexor XR, Seroquel, heavy dose of Haldol, Zyprexa..All of which are for depression & psychotic illness.
I have never experienced in my life a hallucinatory or auditory voice state until I started coming off of these medications. I know what I am writing is scary, but it's reality. They took my body off of all drugs for 2 days & put me thru a "cold turkey" withdrawl, which of course, made me worse.
I have had to go thru 3 years of "hell" because of the way they & psychiatrists & M.D.s mis-manage medication...They overprescribe, they take you down off the meds. to quickly, they put you on too many drugs. They don't analyze the body as a whole, just the mind & then they tell you are crazy, it's not the drugs, it's you. You will need to be on them for the rest of your life.....No way Jose!
My advice & suggestions to you would be avoid them if you can. I am NOT a Doctor. I have been through this process too many times to know that these meds are unnatural to the brain & body & they are "mind altering". They make you so depressed & disconnected (they make you go "astral") to the world & yourself that you wonder what happened to your own body.
These are my experiences of course & my own suggestions.....Since YL, Thank God for them. I was introduced to the oils after I got out of the hospital with my now mentor/friend/yoga teacher - She put 5 oils on me that day & I saw grace & felt it....My depression lifted, but I had a lot of work ahead of me.....
So, without rambling too much...Seek medical professional advice please. Find a doctor that is willing to work with you in a more holistic/alternative way. You may want to call the YL Clinic out in Utah. I just got back from there in Oct. 2003. What a positive life changing experience. They may have suggestions for you. Their website is:
I am still coming off my medications slowly two of them, one of them is Zoloft..Go off very slow!...Listen to your own body....
Please visit Dr. Ann Blake Tracy's site at & please do some research before going this route...There is a wealth of information there & it may scare you, but she has done years & years of research on what these medications can do to your body & your brain.
There is also another site you can visit. A psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Peter Breggin, MD. He also has a very informative site:
My suggestions to you would be use Frankincense oil, internally, 1-2 drops in a veggie cap, once a day for a week then stop. Only use Young Living's Frankincense Oil internally - no other's please! Then the second week, take 1 drop Cedarwood oil & apply around the temple area of the head, daily - 1 time a day. Go slow..... Alternate with these two oils.... Other oils that can be used in conjunction with these are Valor Oil & Essential Omegas (Essential Fatty Acids) are needed.
I am using all these oils & they have helped me tremendously (including the EFA's, your mind needs them to heal properly & great for depression).
Also look into diet.....What's it like? Try & get rid of sugar in all forms (not easy to do, but do-able), dairy, caffeine.
Per D. Gary Young & all that I have learned from him through training tapes, trainings, meetings, etc & even the YL clinic. A lot of our so call diseases come from liver toxicity, colon toxicity & an overly acidic body...
Working on liver function is so key with depression & any kind of illness....I have found that to be true for myself. Since I have worked on my liver using the JuvaCleanse Oil, The Cleansing Trio, taking enzymes & using other various YL oils, I am feeling so much better.
It takes time.....The body did not get "sick" over nite....Take it slow...Do your research about the medications...
I hope this helps....Know that there are other ways to help the body get well than using toxic medications....."

Alicia Warwick Little Falls, NJ